DNA Testing For Immigration Cases

From paternity testing to forensic samples, there are several reasons a person may find themselves needing DNA testing. However, more common is the need for DNA testing for immigration cases. As a hot topic these days, immigration testing is proving beneficial for several reasons. For instance, if you have been separated from your family, you may be required to provide genetic results to gain entrance into the United States.

But, the benefits of this testing do not stop there. Here, we are providing you with a few instances in which DNA testing for immigration proves beneficial.


United States Citizenship and Immigration Services

Unites States Citizenship and Immigration Services is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security.  Performing many duties regarding immigration matters, the agency is also responsible for safeguarding national security.  As you may imagine, the processing of immigrant visa petitions, refugee applications, and much more can be tedious with much attention to detail required.  Often, the USCIS will require biological proof of relationship from an accredited AABB laboratory.


Immigrant visa applications

Often assigned to an immigration offices, visa applications are alike in concept.  DNA testing is often requried as it is considered the best way to verify biological heritage. Furthermore, proof of a relative or an immediate family member who is a permanent, lawful citizen of the United States is necessary to obtain an immigration visa.


Consular report of births abroad

If you are a citizen of the United States and give birth abroad, reporting this as soon as possible is critical.  A consular report of birth abroad is then issued. This reports offically records and claims the child’s right to a United States citizenship.  If the consular finds insufficient evidence of a genetic relationship, a DNA test may be required.


Embassies abroad

In line with the above topics, an embassy may require DNA testing to prove heritage. Whether the intent is to gain initial entry, return to your country, or bring a family member home, DNA testing provides the results the embassy requires.


No matter what the reason may be, if you find yourself requiring DNA testing for immigration cases, Endeavor DNA Laboratories has you covered. Not only does our team guarantee personalized service with exceptional support, but we can also have the results you need delivered in as little as two days.

Contact Endeavor DNA today for your free no obligation consultation (888) 432-3855.






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