Estate Planning and DNA Profiles

When you think of DNA profiles, it’s not normally in connection to estate planning. We usually think of criminology or ancestry profiles. But DNA profiles are also important for estate planning. If there is any doubt about the parentage of a potential inheritor, a DNA profile is the best way to put those doubts to bed. At Endeavor DNA, we provide both court admissable and peace of mind services to help you plan for the future.

Here are three common occurrences where estate planning DNA profiles are useful.


Dying Intestate

It might surprise you to learn that many people die without leaving a will. Some research puts it as high as 68%. Pretty much everyone knows that they should have a will in place, but it’s one of those things that people put off. You think you have plenty of time, and who wants to think about death, anyway? If someone in your family dies intestate, figuring out who their beneficiaries should be can be a real mess. With DNA testing and profiles, you can prove scientifically who the deceased’s relatives and descendants are.


Disputing a Will

Even if someone does leave a will, there can still be reasons to dispute it. If someone claims to be a child of the deceased, but no one in the family has ever heard of them, DNA profiles can prove or refute their claim. Conversely, if the deceased changed their will or included someone the family doesn’t think should inherit, DNA testing can strengthen or weaken the case, depending on the results.


Choosing Beneficiaries

We’ve talked about what can happen after someone dies, but what about before? When you or a family member are drawing up a will, who should inherit is a major decision. There are often many people who could lay claim to your assets, but you may decide that you don’t want to include everyone. If there is any question about whether or not to include someone in your will, a DNA test can help you to make that decision if they consent to take one.


Estate Planning DNA Profiles from Endeavor DNA

Whether you need a DNA test for a court case or you just need peace of mind to help make some decisions, Endeavor DNA can help. Estate planning is a complicated process, and DNA profiles can help you answer some questions and make important decisions.


Contact our team at (888) 432-3855 to learn more, or check out our FAQs.





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