DNA Testing for Immigration: 3 Scenarios

Many individuals come to Endeavor DNA Laboratories looking for DNA testing for immigration purposes. As an accepted method of verifying family relationships, DNA testing is often required when other documentation is unavailable. Because this testing is nearly 100% accurate, it allows the immigration application process to run smoothly with little delay.

However, our team has the hands-on experience to know that every situation is unique. Because of the uniqueness and common myths surrounding immigration DNA testing, we’re taking this time to set the record straight. In this article, we’ve gathered three scenarios that may leave someone in need of the services of an AABB accredited DNA testing facility.


A lack of physical evidence proving a relation

Proving relation is a crucial step in gaining access to the United States. However, sometimes this is not possible. Acceptable forms of proof include birth certificates, photos, school or medical records, and so forth – without such documentation, DNA testing may be required.


Family reunification

When trying to prove avuncular (aunt/uncle) or grand-parentage relations, the documented evidence can be a road bump. The further ones moves away from a direct connection, the more gray areas open up. Often, the documentation on hand (if any) is not considered to be enough as well. This situation opens the doors for DNA testing to prove validity.


Expedited application process

Even after presenting the required documented evidence for relation, you can still be denied a U.S. Visa. However, one way to avoid such delays is to cover all of your bases, and the best way to do that is with DNA testing. DNA testing for immigration is quick, accurate, and provides government officials with all of the evidence necessary to prove your relation.


With over 100 years combined of DNA testing for immigration, our team at Endeavor DNA is the answer you need. Reuniting families on U.S. soil for decades, you can have peace of mind that you’ll have all the relation evidence required. With more questions about our various services and how we can help you, contact us today by calling (888) 432-3855.






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