4 Types Of Court Admissible Relationship DNA Testing

In need of a DNA test for your case? Curious about the types of relationship DNA testing that Endeavor DNA offers? A Court Admissible Test requires a sample collection kit to be sipped and the DNA samples collected by an unrelated 3rd party who has no interest in the test outcome. Endeavor DNA is an AABB Accredited genetic identity laboratory that can help you through the process. Here are three types of relationship DNA testing we offer at our facility.


Court Admissible Paternity Test

A paternity DNA test can determine the likelihood that a male is the biological father of the child. The standard parties test should include a child, the alleged father, and the mother. While a Paternity DNA test may be completed without the mother’s participation, our experts recommend obtaining a sample from the mother. By doing so, the mother’s half  may be excluded from teh child’s DNA results.


Court Admissible Prenatal Paternity Test

If you require a paternity test before birth, Endeavor DNA Laboratories offers both DNA testing by amniocentesis or CVS. By inserting a needing inot the uterus, an amniocentesis samples the sampling of amniotic fluid. CVS, or chorionic villus sampling, takes a sample of the tissue from the placenta. These both require the participation of your OBGYN for sampling.

Court Admissible Twin Zygosity Test

A Twin Zygosity Test can determine whether twins are identical or fraternal. Identical twins come from one fertilized egg that grows and splits to form two embryos. This will result in twins with the same DNA. On the other hand, fraternal twins develop when two different eggs are fertilized by two different sperm in the womb. They will not have the same DNA sequence.

Court Admissible Missing Parent Test

If a parent is missing or deceased, and both alleged grandparents are available, a missing parent analysis can be performed. A child inherits 50% of their DNA from each parent. Therefore, they will share 25% of their genes with each biological grandparent. It is recommended that the child’s mother is included, if possible, in order to achieve the most accurate results.

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If You’re In Need Of Relationship DNA Testing

Endeavor DNA Laboratories has expert case managers that can assist you through the entire process. We help with coordinated sample collections and ensure that all the legal documents you need are completed properly. If you’re in need of Court Admissible Relationship DNA Testing, call us for a free, no-obligation consultation at (888)- 432-3855.





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